Upcoming Certificate Trainings


The Mind-Body Attunement Therapy® training program consists of two levels, the Certificate being a prerequisite for the Diploma.

Students will deepen their understanding of attachment histories and somatically processed emotion.

The Mind-Body Attunement Therapy® Certificate consists of attending:

The Mind-Body Attunement Therapy® Certificate level training presents simple body-oriented interventions for tracking, naming and safely exploring trauma-related somatic activation, creating new competencies and restoring a somatic sense of self. Students will learn effective, accessible interventions for identifying and working with disruptive somatic patterns, disturbed cognitive and emotional processing, and the fragmented sense of self experienced by so many traumatized individuals. Techniques are taught within a phase-oriented treatment approach, focusing first on stabilization and symptom reduction. The length of this training is between 80 and 90 hours.

Including the Body in Psychotherapy Practice - How to track and name somatic experience and work with physical action.
Trauma and the Body - The role of the body in perpetuating PTSD symptoms.
Developmental and Attachment Issues - The effects of trauma, attachment failure, and developmental arrests on mind and body.
Hierarchical Information Processing - Somatic interventions that expand the capacity to integrate traumatic experience.
The Use of Mindfulness - The role of mindfulness in the treatment of trauma and how to teach mindfulness to clients.
Self-Regulation - How to stabilize traumatic activation and restore autonomic equilibrium.
Somatic Resources - Identification of missing somatic resources and interventions to help clients develop new resources.
Boundaries - How trauma affects boundary styles and techniques to restore healthy somatic and psychological boundaries.
Orienting and Defensive Responses - Interventions to reinstate effective orienting and defensive responses truncated in the wake of trauma.
Treatment of Traumatic - Memory Somatic approaches to overcoming the fear of traumatic memory and interventions to process and integrate memories.
Dissociation - Interventions to work with alterations of consciousness and structural dissociation of the personality.

Supervision sessions are individual sessions of reviewing videotaped practice of Mind-Body Attunement Therapy® intervention. The cost of each Supervision is $100.

Peer observed sessions include a 50 minute experience of Mind-Body Attunement Therapy® and discussion from an approved provider with a student observer and a 50 minute observation of a student experiencing Mind-Body Attunement Therapy® and discussion. The cost of each Peer Observed Session is $100

Click here for current Mind-Body Attunement Therapy® Certificate training opportunities

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